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Website Login


I'm a member but I can't find the event I am looking for in the calendar. Where are all of the events?


If the name of the calendar is Public Calendar, you are not logged into the website and therefore the member-only events are not visible. Simply log into the website and you will see the private event.


I can't remember my password. Can I reset password to something I will remember?


Yes! At the top right of the screen, click Login. Select Forgot Password. Enter your Username and click Reset Password. Check your email program for an email from Fundy Home Educators. It will contain a link to reset your password. Click on it and follow the he instructions.


I can't remember my username. Can you email it to me?


Absolutely. At the top right of the screen, click Login. Select Forgot Username. Enter your email address and click Email Username. Check your email program for an email from Fundy Home Educators. It will contain you username.



Are you accepting new Members?


Our membership numbers vary year to year and may be limited. Returning members will have priority and we will assess how many new members we are able to accommodate based on renewals. If you are interested in becoming a member, please complete the membership form, so we are able to review your application. 

Please see our Membership section for more information on how new members may apply. 


When will membership open for the school year?


Please see our Membership section for more information on when new members may apply.


Can I register as an educator and add the children I teach?


Membership with FHE is on a family basis. Each family must register and pay separately. 


Are there additional fees over and above the registration fee during the year?


There are lots of free events our members are able to take advantage of; however there are some events that require an additional fee to sign up for. The fee is always included in the event details for your consideration. 



Can I bring my child(ren) to the monthly Teachers' Lounge meetings? 


No, we ask that parents only bring their nursing babies to the meetings. There are several reasons for this. FHE offers many child focused events on the calendar and only one event per month specifically for parent encouragement and support. With hundreds of students represented within our membership, it would become quite difficult to manage the event if children were also included.



What is your policy on food allergies?


All of our events and field trips MUST be Nut-Free Environments. Please make this a priority and respect this requirement.  We recognize that some children have additional allergies, but it would be impossible to limit all potential allergy-related risks.  Parents are responsible to identify and monitor potential allergy risks at all events.


Do you use facebook for communication?


Yes, we use facebook for some communication; however it is optional and not essential to stay up to date on the group events.

Our PRIVATE Facebook group is only able to be viewed by our members. It operates as a means for discussion purposes and questions. This page may be used to share event photos, sell used homeschool curriculum, or offer helpful educational opportunities.  A link to our member only facebook page will be provided to active members. 


Are pictures of my children shared on your website and/or social media?


We do not post any pictures of children to our PUBLIC Facebook page and/or website without explicit parental consent. 

We do allow pictures from events to be shared within our secure member only section of our website and our private member only facebook page. 

Members are asked not to share photos of other families' children in any public online forum, such as their personal facebook page andr any other social media without explicit parental consent. This is based on an honour system as our executive team is unable to police all of our member's private facebook pages. 


Does FHE have a spot I am able to sell my used curriculum?


Yes, we have a "Classifieds" section in the secure portion of our website. We encourage our members to list their used items for sale.


I am thinking about home educating my children, do you have any information that can get me started on my research?


Yes, we have a section called "New to Home Education" that will give you some links and information. Please check it out!


Does Fundy Home Educators operate any co-ops?


No, we do not operate/facilitate any co-ops. The purpose of Fundy Home Educators is to provide information, inspiration and support to home school parent/families.

We have many field trip and child focused events for our members, but we do not operate any weekly, ongoing co-op groups. 

Member families are encouraged to connect with other families and organize co-op groups that will suit their needs. Note: Any arrangements of such private co-ops will need to be made via private communication and not on FHE's facebook page and/or secure forums.    


I have small children not school age yet, am I able to bring them along on field trips with my school age children?


A large amount of our events are pre-schooler/baby friendly; however please be aware that for some events this may not be possible.